Thursday, April 21, 2011

March - Springs Creek and Loveday Cove

Springs Creek, Blue Mountain Heights: 
The weather was fine on Sunday morning and an 'army' of about 40 chattering TFNC’ers arrived and spread themselves over house, deck, lawn, gardens etc. There was so much happy conversation that most birds fled the scene.
The quiet little Springs Creek which is normally 10 centimetres wide had been a raging 10+ metre wide wall of water on 10 January. The little brown birds' small bathing hole, normally secluded on the edge of the rampant and an impenetrable privet and lantana area, was now quite exposed and straddled by a 6 metre long 25 centimetre diameter log from an unknown upstream source.
In the now-serene setting of the creek, conversation was more restrained and conducted with a sense of reverence so birds, butterflies, dragonflies, frogs and tadpoles were noted going about their life as usual and their regular observers had difficulty restraining their excitement.
People took various routes to arrive back at our house and some helpfully pulled cobbler's pegs en route. It was only at 12 noon that all agreed morning tea was over.
Adapted from Ian's report.

Female Blue Skimmer
Dragons Were There
Despite the extremely windy conditions at Loveday Cove a variety of dragon-flies were present but you had to look for them. On a Callistemon growing well out in the water a spectacular Australian Tiger was sighted. A small enthusiastic group watched its comings and goings. It constantly returned to one favourite perch. While observing this we became aware of the beautiful Red and Blue Damsel as well as the Common Bluetail. Both were sitting close to the water’s surface and not venturing far in the wind. As time passed other dragons such as the Australian Emperor, the Australian Emerald, the Wandering Percher, the Blue Skimmer and the large Common Glider paid brief foraging visits. The group was surprised to find that well over half an hour had been spent closely observing the antics of dragonflies. The lone bird that was feeding in the Callistemon flew off without being indentified.
Odonata at Loveday’s Cove
Common Bluetail Ischnura heterosticta, Red and Blue Damsel Xanthagrion erythroneurum, Australian Emperor Hemianax papuensis; Australian Tiger Ictinogomphus australis, Australian Emerald Hemicordulia australia, Wandering Percher Diplacodes bipunctata, Blue Skimmer Orthetrum caledonicum, Common Glider Tramea loweii.                  Barry's report 

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