Sunday, June 7, 2020

Freneau Pines Park - Article and photos by Lauren Marlatt

This is a unique and to my mind wonderful park that I suspect has not been visited much or at all by most of our members. The entrance is in Hursley Road directly opposite the main entrance to the horse racecourse. Everything in this park is TALL and decades old.

The glorious and uplifting entrance into Freneau Pines Park featuring an avenue of statuesque Norfolk Island pines (Araucaria heterophylla), decades old and showing signs of suffering from uncertain weather

One of several Hoop Pines (Araucaria cunninghamii

The base of a Bunya tree (Araucaria bid-willii) which is suckering with several stems around its base, atypical growth I would think...weedcutter effect?

Melaleuca quinquinervia stands beside
the road just at the entrance to the park

A singular tall stately Eucalyptus grandis is a major park feature

Bunya Pine (Araucaria bidwillii) amidst several Cook Pines (Araucaria columnaris)

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