Friday, December 4, 2020

A Satin Bowerbird checks out human activity

 (Article and photo by Diana Ball)

On our Wednesday morning walk [at the October TFNC Camp] we came across a Satin Bowerbird’s ‘courtship stage’. It was not the first we had observed during our visit to Goomburra, but it was the most spectacular, adorned with an amazing number of blue treasures washed clean by the rain. There were well over fifty blue plastic bottle tops, a number of straws and scraps and a stubby holder! Items that were not of the ‘best’ blue were relegated to the outer limits of the display.

While we were admiring and photographing the bower, its owner flew into a nearby tree and was clearly displeased at the attention being given to his construction by intruders. We hurried away and I watched from a reasonable distance as he flew down and spent several minutes inspecting the inside of his bower and then checking none of his display was out of place. Apparently satisfied he flew onto a branch which happened to be just above my hiking poles. I was obliged to wait a few more minutes before he flew off and I could retrieve them

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