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The Joan Kolbe Project, 'Wild About My Garden'

The Joan Kolbe Project, Wild About My Garden The Toowoomba Field Naturalist Club Inc. is inviting community members of all ages and intere...

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Nature Journaling Workshops

Sat 31 Aug 2024
‘Nature journaling for teachers’ workshop.

This is a workshop for anyone who would like to teach nature journaling, including but not limited to teachers. 5 hours duration, plus 1 hour break for lunch. Includes some art materials, a morning tea and light lunch provided by TFNC.

Sun 1st September 2024
‘Introduction to Nature Journaling’ workshop.

For ages 15 years and over (interested kids 10 years and over are welcome if accompanied by an adult). 3 hours duration, plus morning tea break. Includes some art materials and morning tea provided by TFNC.

The Toowoomba Field Naturalist Club is hosting a project called "Wild About My Garden", in collaboration with Toowoomba Gardens for Wildlife (G4W). We are inviting contributions from the public which convey a special moment with nature, either as photography, nature journaling, poetry and prose, or works of art. For more information click here.

About the Presenter:

Paula Peeters has a PhD in ecology, and spent 13 years working for state government environmental agencies. During this time, she realised that facts alone were not enough to change the way people thought about conservation and environmental protection. In an effort to engage more people in protecting the environment, Paula took a year of leave in 2015. She spent the year writing, making art and blogging. The year of leave turned into forever, and Paperbark Writer was born. 

About the workshops: 

Nature journaling is the practice of drawing or writing in response to observations of nature. The practice slows you down, increases your mindfulness (or clears your mind), and increases your attention to detail and appreciation of beauty. It helps you to notice the details in nature, and improves your recognition of different species, and your understanding of where and how they live. With time, it also improves your ability to observe, to draw and to write. Spending quiet time in nature has many wellness benefits, and nature journaling is a practice that encourages this ‘quiet time’ and reflection.

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