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The Joan Kolbe Project, 'Wild About My Garden'

The Joan Kolbe Project, Wild About My Garden The Toowoomba Field Naturalist Club Inc. is inviting community members of all ages and intere...

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Joan Kolbe Project, 'Wild About My Garden'

The Joan Kolbe Project,

Wild About My Garden

The Toowoomba Field Naturalist Club Inc. is inviting community members of all ages and interests to share a special moment with nature, either through photography, a nature journal page, poetry or prose or a work of art. 

Hosted by the Toowoomba Field Naturalist Club Inc. (TFNC), this project is supported by a donation from the family of Joan Kolbe, a former member of TFNC. 

Joan Kolbe 

The club is honouring Joan’s legacy through this project.

For more information about the project, click here.

Aims of the project:

• To focus attention on gardens that provide a safe and welcoming habitat for wildlife.
• To create an event that invites people of all ages and interests to connect with nature.
• To highlight the activities of Toowoomba Field Naturalist Club Inc. and other environmental groups within the Toowoomba Regional Council region, including Gardens for Wildlife Toowoomba Region (G4W) and other groups supported by the Darling Downs Environment Council (DDEC).

How to Become Involved

Enter artwork and/or writing to be eligible for inclusion in an eBook and/or an exhibition of work to commemorate the project, .

Categories of Artwork and Writing:

• Photography
• Nature Journal page
• Poetry or Prose
• Work of Art

Age Levels:
Under 16 
Open (16 and over)

Entries open:
25th August to 22nd September, 2024
An Honorary Award will be presented in each category and in both age levels.
All contributors will receive a certificate of participation as a downloadable PDF.

Entries will be displayed at:
DDEC Eco Hut,
1A Heller St., Toowoomba
on Thursday 26 September from 2pm – 5pm.

Rules for Contributions

• Anyone can enter free of charge but ALL entries must pertain to the Toowoomba Regional Council region.
• All entries must be the original work of the entrant.
• Entries should convey a personal connection with the chosen topic, gained through time spent with some aspect of nature found in your chosen space. 
• All entries must be digital, as a .pdf or a .jpg or a Word document, and no larger than 5 mb.
• Each entry is to be submitted separately as an attachment to an email to: tfncwildaboutmygarden@gmail.com. Before attaching an entry, the image must be saved with your name and age category. e.g., Jemma Lawson U16.  (Any images incorrectly identified will be returned for editing.) Your accompanying email must include your name, contact details, entry title and category. 
• Total number of entries per person is three (3) e.g. one in each of three categories OR any other combination.
• Poetry and/or prose must be a maximum of 300 words.
• Written works may include an original hand-drawn illustration on the page.
• The entrant agrees that entries can be used by TFNC for educational or promotional purposes including on the TFNC’s web site, Facebook page, Newsletter and in an eBook, and may also be shown on other platforms. The entrant will always be acknowledged where the image is used.

Other Information

• Entry is FREE 
• By submitting an entry, you are confirming that you have read the rules of entry and the following information.
• There is no restriction on the size of the garden space, and includes private gardens, community gardens, parks, school grounds etc.
• Images may include man-made items including frog ponds, nest boxes etc.
• Topics and titles are the entrant’s own choice, in keeping with the theme: Wild About My Garden.
• Copyright and intellectual property remains with the entrant and no commercial use of entries will be made without their prior consent.
• The TFNC organizing committee’s decisions are final.


Other Activities

  •      A Paula Peeters workshop on nature journaling. 
  •      A nature photography workshop with Robert Ashdown. 
  •      Specialist talks by published naturalists are also planned.
For more information on nature journaling, we recommend the following link: paperbark writer - nature journaling.
For more information on Gardens for Wildlife Toowoomba Region (G4W) please follow the link: g4w Toowoomba Region 
Keep an eye out for workshops, talks, etc. throughout July, August & September that will contribute to Wild About My Garden on our Facebook page.

If you have further questions, please contact tfncwildaboutmygarden@gmail.com

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